libGimbal 0.1.0
C17-Based Extended Standard Library and Cross-Language Runtime Framework
No Matches


file  gimbal_strings.h
file  gimbal_pattern.h
file  gimbal_pattern.hpp
file  gimbal_quark.h
file  gimbal_quark.hpp
file  gimbal_string.h
file  gimbal_string_buffer.h
file  gimbal_string_list.h
file  gimbal_string_ref.h
file  gimbal_string_view.h
file  gimbal_string_view.hpp

Data Structures

class  gbl::Pattern
class  gbl::Quark
struct  GblStringBuffer
struct  GblStringView
struct  gbl::StringView
struct  GblPattern


typedef uintptr_t GblQuark
typedef GblRingList GblStringList
typedef const char GblStringRef

Detailed Description

Collection of specialized string types.

LibGimbal provides a rich set of string manipulation functions with API functionality taken from various languages such as C++ and Java.

Rather than create a single string type and API that is general-purpose and only "decent" at everything (such as C++'s std::string and most equivalents), libGimbal has taken the approach of creating various different string types, with each optimized for a particular use-case.

For a little bit of extra complexity, this has the added benefits of allowing for custom-tailored APIs that are well suited for such individual use-cases in addition to the performance benefit. If you're using libGimbal with a higher-level langauge such as C++ or Rust, you also gain more than just another generic string type which is already builtin to your language of choice.

Choosing the Right String

The following table can be referenced when deciding which string type to use:

Type Use-cases Header
GblStringView Reading or immutable data processing gimbal_string_view.h
GblStringBuffer Writing or mutable data processing and building gimbal_string_buffer.h
GblStringRef Storing or managing ownership gimbal_string_ref.h
GblQuark Hashing or uniquely identifying gimbal_quark.h

Typedef Documentation

◆ GblQuark

typedef uintptr_t GblQuark

#include <gimbal_quark.h>

Uniquely identifiable interned string type.

Two quarks may be directly compared to one another for equality.

To test whether a given GblQuark is valid or not, it can be compared to GBL_QUARK_INVALID.

Definition at line 67 of file gimbal_quark.h.

◆ GblStringList

#include <gimbal_string_list.h>

List of strings with array-like API.

GblStringList is a dynamically resizable list of immutable strings. It is implemented as a GblRingBuffer where each entry is a GblStringRef.

Since each entry is a GblStringRef, it should not be directly modified, as this will modify the value of every other reference to the same string data. If you must modify an entry, use GblStringList_replaceStr to replace an existing entry with a new value.
Since GblStringList is backed by GblRingList, it gains some interesting properties. The list can be rotated, reversed, and indexed from the opposite direction using negative values. Operations such as middle insertion/deletion and joining with another list do not require dynamically resizing or moving list entries. It also becomes a reference type with reference semantics.
Since each entry within the list is a GblStringRef, operations such as creating sublists, filtering, copying, and any operation that creates a new list from an existing list are optimized to not actually copy the values of each individual string. Instead, each derived list shares a reference to the same memory location.
Since each entry within the list is a GblStringRef, there is a duplicate API provided for when inserting entries into the list which are already GblStringRefs. Favor the methods ending with "Ref" for when you already have a reference type, and this will ellide copying.
See also
GblStringRef, GblRingBuffer

Definition at line 80 of file gimbal_string_list.h.

◆ GblStringRef

typedef const char GblStringRef

#include <gimbal_string_ref.h>

Reference-counted, const char*-compatible string type.

GblStringRef is a const char*-compatible reference-counted, read-only string type allowing for the sharing of a single string allocation between multiple different locations.

See also

Definition at line 61 of file gimbal_string_ref.h.